Newsletter 10
Governing Council Meeting Invitation
Fundraising News
Term 4 … can you believe it?! And what a busy term it’s going to be!
The WPPS Quiz Night 2021 is fast approaching, happening on Saturday, 6th November – which always promises to be a great night out for our school community! Things will be done a little differently this year, with an Online Auction running in conjunction with the Quiz Night itself. This means that everybody will get the chance to bid on some fantastic auction items. For those attending the Quiz Night, there will be the usual fun games and activities, the chance to really show off those costumes PLUS access to some exciting bonus “Quiz Night Only” auction items on the night itself!
Separate information regarding ticket sales, COVID restrictions and the Online Auction has been sent out via Schoolzine, so please make sure you have received it.
As mentioned, we are actively seeking donations of goods and services from our school and local business communities. We are very grateful for all donations, so if you have something you would like to donate (or have any questions), please contact or simply drop off at the Front Office. Thank you!
Next up, it is the kid’s turn for a huge day of FUN when the Colour Run takes place on Thursday, 11th November at 1:30pm – we will be raising funds for upgrades to the Marlborough building, including a larger Performing Arts space! We will be hoping to raise over $20,000.
The Colour Run will be an awesome and messy afternoon where students will weave and wind through different obstacles, all while being covered in bright and wonderful colours! We hope to have all students participate and pending COVID restrictions, we also hope to have parent spectators to watch all the fun.
All students will receive rainbow sweatbands, a headband and coloured glasses to wear on the day. Please send your child in a white t-shirt ready to be coloured!
To make donations please go to our Go Fund Me page at
As well as raising money for a fantastic, upgraded learning space, students are competing to be the class who raises the highest average per child. The top 3 classes across the school will win a prize –
- 1st Prize - Class pizza party, fairy floss and the opportunity to SLIME JASON and other members of staff during a whole school assembly.
- 2nd Prize - Class pizza party and fairy floss.
- 3rd Prize - Fairy floss class party.
Once again, we thank you for your support, involvement, and enthusiasm!
The WPPS Fundraising Committee
Dates to Remember …
- Monday 18th October (Week 2) – 7:00pm – Next Meeting (held in the WPPS Staff Room)
- Saturday 6th November (Week 4) – 6:30pm – WPPS Quiz Night
- Thursday 11th November (Week 5) – 1:30pm – Colour Run
Please feel free to contact the WPPS Fundraising Committee at
And don’t forget to join the WPPS Community Facebook page to stay up to date with school events! (Don't forget to answer those questions)
WPPS Fundraising Committee
Scholastic Book Fair
The Book Fair is coming to our school again!
Save your pocket money for the novelty pens, pencils and erasers or a poster for your room.
Start early with books for the long holiday.
When: Thursday, 28 October, Friday, 29 October, Monday, 1 November and Tuesday, 2 November
Before and after school in the Library, Discovery Room.
Visit the Book Fair and your name will go into the draw for some goodies!!
Roelien Pistorius - Library Manager
Poppies for Remembrance Day
Poppies are for sale (50c) in week 5, 8th - 10th November outside the school Library. All proceeds will go to the Return Soldiers League.
Josie Brown M4
What is happening in the library in Term 4?
Not only will we be reading and discovering new books filled with exciting stories and magical places, but Wednesdays we will be drawing; learn to draw something new or come draw whatever you feel like on the table together with everybody else and make one BIG picture. On Thursdays we will make and create something new.
There are still too many water damaged books being returned to the library, students need to be aware that those books will have to be replaced from now on.
Book Fair is on again in Week 3, start saving your pocket money! It starts on Thursday 28 October and ends on Tuesday 2 November, before and after school.
Week 7 will be the last week of borrowing for the year.
Week 8 borrowed books will have to be returned and it will be the last chance to finish the story to find out if all will end well in your adventure.
Return all your books in week 8 and your name will go into a draw for a prize, and no, it is not a book!!!
Week 9 will be stocktaking of all books
Unfortunately, students will not be able to borrow books over this long holiday as too many books are forgotten and lost during this time.
Thank you
Have a great Term 4!!!
Sports Day
Check out the Sports Day video!
Playgroup at WPPS
On Tuesday, 12th of October, we held our very first Playgroup session.
It ran from 9.15-10.30 and catered for ages from 0-4 yrs.
We were ably assisted by Chloe D, Lucy and Cassie from M7, who played a variety of games with all the children. Activities included craft, indoor soccer, construction, puzzles and puppet play. For new families to our school community, this a lovely way to get to know people and to see what our school is all about.
If you would like to be involved or know of anyone who would like to attend our Playgroup on a Tuesday morning, feel free to ring us on 8271 7430 and we will add your names to our list.
Cleo de Gouw and Kerry Hammond
Student Achievments
Congratulations to Vivian W on winning 1st place of Level 3 Senior in 2021 Rhythmic Gymnastics State Championship yesterday.
Mark Wahlqvist Award 2021
We had 16 entries for the Mark Wahlqvist Awards this year. Students created a visual representation of their favourite book. There were drawings, paintings, computer generated drawings, collages, diorama, posters and a CD story telling of the books. Everybody made beautiful creations to illustrate their favourite book.
Thank you to the judges who had the difficult task to decide on the winners. The Reception/Year 1 winner was Remi Y, Year 2/3 winner was Lyla H, Year 4/5 winner was Emily Y, Year 6/7 winner was Frankie C, and the overall winner was Ayodhya H.
Congratulations to all the winners and everyone who entered, you all did a fantastic job!
Community News