Newsletter 1
Save the Date
Pupil Free Days: Friday, 11th March; Friday, 10th June; Monday, 29th August, and Monday, 14th November.
School Closure Day: Friday, 11th November.
Marlborough Upgrade
During the holidays Jason volunteered his time in redeveloping the entrance to the Marlborough Building.
The vision was to create a calming and inviting break out space for students to use throughout the day. Many students have already utilised this area for online lessons, reading and group work.
The wet area in front of M10, 11 and 12 has been opened up and upgraded with new benches and kitchen area coming soon.
The lost property cupboard is no longer in the foyer and will now be found in the cupboard in front of M6 in the OSHC area. The honour boards and plaques will be placed in a museum room in M8.
Governing Council
The Annual General Meeting was held via MS Teams on Tuesday evening where the various reports from 2021 were presented along with the election of new members. Thank you to all in attendance. The first meeting was held immediately after the AGM to elect office bearers, recognise outgoing members and establish committees. Thank you to Juliet Fuller whose children have graduated WPPS and Hamish Price who did not nominate, for their valuable contributions to Governing Council in previous years.
2022 Governing Council members:
Diarmid Lee – Chairperson
Mark Anders – Treasurer
Philippa Marsh, Phillipa Tilburgs, James Telford, Theo Sasopoulos, Jasmin Gobbett, Liesl Holmes, John Siegel, Cindy Healey, Natalie Handley, Marnie Hope
Sean Mullin – Staff Rep; Megan Gregor – Staff Rep
Jason Munro - Principal
Thank you to all of the Governing Council members and welcome to Natalie and Marnie who are new members to the council, and to Diarmid and Cindy who were re-elected. Congratulations to Diarmid and Mark who were elected to office bearer roles.
The committees for Governing Council in 2022 include finance committee, canteen committee, OSHC committee, education committee, grounds and facilities committee, fundraising committee and sports committee. Parents who are not on governing council are welcome to be part of these committees. If you are interested please contact Jason for details.
Fundraising News
Hello and Welcome!
Hello and welcome to the 2022 school year, from all of us on the WPPS Fundraising Committee!
We hope everyone is looking forward to the events and activities that will be held throughout the year. Our school community has always been incredibly generous, and we are thankful for the ongoing support of the fundraising events that take place at WPPS. All of the money raised goes back into our school, benefiting our children and our children’s teachers, leadership team and support staff.
The first fundraising meeting will be held on Monday 21st March at 7:00pm in the Staff Room. Subsequent meetings will then be held twice a term in Week 2 and Week 7. During these meetings, we discuss upcoming events and fundraising purchase suggestions and requests. Sam Kavanagh (Assistant Principal – Wellbeing) also shares updates concerning our school and students with regards to fundraising. Anyone is welcome to join these meetings, we love to see new faces!
(If you would like to be involved but are unable to commit to the meetings, we are always on the lookout for people to help at the events themselves – whether it be assisting on stalls, serving food and drink, sorting donations, making fairy floss, cooking a BBQ or hanging fairy lights. If you are interested in the ‘ground work’ side of the events, please email us your details so we can get in touch with you when we need helpers!)
Although the fundraising events for this year have not been confirmed yet, they generally offer a range of activities, such as a student disco, a Friday Fun day, a parent social event, a Quiz Night, a Wine Drive, and more. A final list of events for 2022 will be shared with the school community once they have been confirmed, along with a fundraising goal for the year.
Please feel free to contact the WPPS Fundraising Committee at And don’t forget to join the WPPS Community Facebook Group to stay up to date with school events. This page is run by parents, for parents!
Many thanks,
The WPPS Fundraising Committee
Materials and Services Fees
Just a reminder regarding payment of the school fees.
Payment can be made by QKR, Bpoint, credit card, cheque or via the Front Office using one of the following options.
- Full Payment of $410.00 by Thursday, 24th March 2022.
- Payment of $210.00 by Thursday, 24th March 2022 & remaining $200.00 by Thursday, 26th May 2022.
Monthly Direct Debit by Instalment (Arrangements can be made directly with Finance by Thursday, 24th March 2022).
School Card
School Card needs to be applied for each year. This is a Government funded subsidy for families on low incomes. Eligibility is based on 2020-2021 taxable income. It has increased this year. Families with 1 child with a gross income of $62,440 may now be eligible. Any amount above the School Card Grant is a voluntary contribution only and not legally binding.
If you plan to apply for School Card, please do not pay the Materials & Services Fee until you have been advised whether you have been approved or not.
Please apply online at:
Application Forms are also available from the Front Office.
For more information or assistance with completing the form, phone free-call 1800 672 758,
email: or speak to Tricia Ritchie in the Finance Office.
Governing Council has a policy for recovery of non-payment of fees via legal process if necessary; please keep staff informed if you are having difficulties with payment.
Excursion Levy 2022 for Excursions & Incursions.
Full Payment of $60.00 is due by Thursday, 24th March.
Please contact me if the above options do not meet your requirements to make alternative arrangements.
Tricia Ritchie - Business Manager
Volunteering at Westbourne Park
We are always needing parent volunteers to support for our teachers, help in the canteen, coach and manage our sporting teams, participate in our Governing Council sub-committees including helping in our fundraising activities. To be able to volunteer for any reason at the school we require the following documentation is completed. These are:
- Working with Children Check
- Volunteers Agreement
- Volunteers Induction Training Certificate
- RRHAN-EC Training Certificate
- COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
These requirements are set by the Department of Human Services and the Department for Education.
Please find attached all the information you need to complete the documentation.
School Photos
Say Cheese
School Photo Day is: Wednesday 9th & Thursday 10th March
Have your child’s school memories captured forever
Please take time to read the relevant information on the MSP Photography payment envelopes and remember these helpful points:
- Don’t seal envelopes inside each other. You can pay for all children in one envelope however each child needs to have their own envelope on photo day
- Family envelopes are available at the school office upon request and need to be ordered before or on photography day. Please make your children aware they are having a family photo.
- Please enclose correct money as no change is given. Cash, cheques, credit card and money orders accepted.
Why not give ONLINE ORDERING a go!!
It’s the safest & easiest way to order
Should you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
email: or ph: 08 83913951
Qkr! Payments
Our preferred option for all our school payments is through the Qkr! App. This includes, M&S Fees, Excursion Levy, player registration for school sports, camps and excursions.
This enables our families to keep accurate records of payments.
See below for details on how to download the app.
Community News