01/11 Half School Assembly LC3, LC4 & J3 presenting (Hall)
03/11 Colour Run
09/11 Remembrance Day Memorial Service (Hall)
10/11 School Closure Day
13/11 Pupil Free Day
15/11 Reception Transition Visit 1
22/11 Half School Assembly M6, M7 & M11 presenting
22/11 Reception Transition Visit 2
30/11 School Concert "All Around the World"
6/12 Whole School Assembly UC3 & UC4 presenting
13/12 Graduation Ceremony
15/12 Last Day 2.10pm finish
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News from the WPPS Fundraising Committee
And that’s a wrap on Term 3 – can you believe it?!
The WPPS Quiz Night “A Night at the Movies” was held early in the term, and what a night it was! Thank you to all who joined us for the Quiz and Auction (or supported from home!).
As usual, everyone outdid themselves in terms of costumes and decorations – we had it all; Ghostbusters, pirates, nuns, BMX Bandits, Tom Hanks x 10, scary clowns and a whole of lot popcorn … plus more! Check out the attached photos. Thank you to all that attended – your energy and enthusiasm is what makes Quiz Night so much fun!
An amazing $11,791 was raised to go towards our School Hall upgrades. What an incredible effort - nights like these do not go ahead without considerable forward planning and support from school families and our community.
Term 4 is shaping up to be an exciting (and busy!) term with regards to fundraising. The kids will be participating in the Colour Run, happening on Friday 3rd November (Week 3). TheColourRun will be all about FUN! It will be an awesome and messy event where students will weave and wind through different obstacles, all while being covered in bright and wonderful colours! We hope to have all students participate and we also hope to have parent spectators to watch all of the fun. Keep an eye out for more information via SZapp about how to fundraise and all the other important details.
The second WPPS Wine Drive will also be taking place in Term 4, with orders opening on Friday 10th November (Week 4) and delivery/collection on Friday 1st December (Week 7) … just in time for the silly season! Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about this one, it’s always a great opportunity to get some fabulous wines and gins at great prices.
Finally, we would like to share with you some of the resources that funds have been used for throughout the year. Along with the School Hall upgrades that are in process, funds have also been put towards the following:
Numeracy Resources (whiteboards) for all year levels
Sports banners for use at internal and external school events
Outdoor marquee for use at school events
Free play toys for junior primary students
Guillotine and laminator
Literacy resources
Plus we have received additional requests for future spending that we are hoping to fulfil later this year or early 2024.
As always, thank you for your continued support of WPPS fundraising! Have a wonderful school holidays everyone, we will see you next term!
Dates to Remember
Friday 3rd November – Week 3 – Colour Run
Friday 10th November – Week 4 – Wine Drive orders open
Friday 24th November – Week 6 – Wine Drive orders close
Friday 1st December – Week 7 – Wine Drive collection
Please feel free to contact the WPPS Fundraising Committee at wppsfundraise@gmail.com. And don’t forget to join the WPPS Community Facebook Group to stay up to date with school events. This page is run by parents, for parents!
Many thanks,
The WPPS Fundraising Committee
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National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
Earlier this term we participated in National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. This year’s theme was ‘growing connections’. This theme supports the idea that having strong connections with others helps to prevent bullying and makes students more likely to seek help if they experience bullying.
Classes discussed the importance of positive connections and the many connections we each have. Students were then given a strip of paper to write or draw on to portray this message. The strips of paper were linked together into a whole school paper chain to represent how we are connected as a school community and show the many connections we have. The whole school paper chain was displayed in yard B during week 8 and it was great to see students having a closer look at the chain and talking with each other about their connections.
Bethany Thompson - Pastoral Care Worker
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Canteen News
Term 3 kicked off with Showdown Cupcakes and once again the winner in the cupcake stakes were the Crows, however the Power did put up a good challenge. Thank you to everyone who placed a cupcake order for their child and the amazing Fran for once again making all the cupcakes.
During Terms 2 and 3 the canteen menu has featured foods suitable for the cooler weather, some of these items may continue on into Term 4, however I am looking forward changing over to our Summer menu. On offer will be a range of new lunchboxes, fresh fruit salad, salad packs, smoothies plus the return of a favourite, loaded beef or vegetarian nachos.
In Term 4 there will also be an exciting new addition to the canteen perfect for the warmer weather – a slushie machine. I am trialling a machine that uses a 99% fruit juice base (apple, pear and pineapple) and will offer a variety of flavours for $2.00 per cup.
Our school canteen is still searching for a Canteen Assistant, someone with a friendly can-do attitude and experience in food handling. If you are interested in finding out more, please refer to the ad posted in Schoolzine on 14th September.
Volunteers play an important part in the ongoing running of our canteen and I am very thankful to have an amazing group of parents & grandparents who happily give of their time each term. If you meet the school volunteer requirements and can spare half a day, or more, per term I would love to have your company. Please contact the school or email wpps.canteen286@schools.sa.edu.au to find out more
Thank you to everyone for your support throughout 2023.
Pam - Canteen Manager Fresh Bites Café
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Westbourne Park Community Centre Garden
Next time you pass by the Community Centre, you will notice a positive change to the front following completion of our garden project! Firstly, a big thank you to Brian, the school’s groundsman. Brian spent many hours preparing the garden beds as well as planting, watering and now maintaining the garden.
A huge shout out to Lisa, the Activities Organiser and Kylie, the garden centre specialist from Bunnings Edwardstown.
Lisa planned and coordinated the garden project with a brief description of providing a waterwise, low maintenance and sustainable garden. Kylie chose a selection of plants to complement our existing butterfly garden and the surrounding colours of the community centre. Kylie also planned the garden.
We thank Bunnings Edwardstown for providing loam, bark chips, 40 plants and labour.
Ann Gunter Administration and Sports
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The Westbourne Park volleyball team Jump Scare lead the Term 2 results table and continued doing well in Term 3. We entered a second team for Term 3. The WPPS Lions were very competitive for their first term together.
If you did not register to play for Term 4 but would like to join a team please email dl.0475.sport@schools.sa.edu.au. Volleyball is available to students that are in years 4, 5 or 6.
Games are played on Friday afternoon, either 4pm or 4:30. There are no training commitments.
Ann Gunter Administration and Sports
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Towards the end of term 1 we were very excited to recommence our weekly playgroup for families with preschool aged children. This has been a great opportunity for families to connect with the school and each other.
Each week we have a range of play based activities as well as a story time and singing. We have also had some special activities throughout the year including a teddy bears’ picnic, disco, book week library visit and bubbles in the nature play area. It has been wonderful seeing the children enjoying the activities and looking forward to coming along each week. It has also been fantastic having some year 5/6 students there each week to help out and interact with the children.
Playgroup is held every Tuesday during term time from 9am - 10:15am in the school hall. If you have a preschool age child, we would love for you to join us.
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"The Twits"
On Wednesday the 13th of September students from J1 and J3 had an excursion to the Festival Theatre to watch the adaptation performance of Roald Dahls “The Twits”.
Students enjoyed and were amused by the performance. Thankyou to our wonderful volunteer parents Emily Caust and Rachel Hodgson.
Student Feedback
I loved it. I really enjoyed the music the narrators and Mr and Mrs Twit .
I liked the narrators because they were very dramatic and funny.
The music was great because it matched the performance.
I loved the twits the most because they were funny and gross and also very stupid and they wouldn’t stop farting and burping. Toby (J3)
The Twits is a very funny book and the part where the Twits were standing on their heads was my absolute favourite! When I read the book, my brain fell into a world of revenge. The Mugglewumps, (The Monkeys) were being very smart as they thought about gluing everything in the house onto the ceiling, yet Mr Twit and Mrs Twit were very ingenious because they captured wildlife. By Aidan (J1)
I think that the Twits was one of the best shows that I will ever watch. I really liked the start with all the great magic tricks. I really want to go back and watch it over and over again. By Liam (J1)
The show was very entertaining and everyone enjoyed it. Characters were very funny and knew their lines perfectly. I especially loved the Mugglewumps’s escape and plot. I think that the only part they could’ve improved was more imaginative costumes, especially for the monkeys. Other than that it was a perfect play with an awesome story behind it. I loved how the narrators were part of the story with Mr amd Mrs Twit. By Lyla (J1)
Today I went to see the live performance of the Twits. The performance was AMAZING, I loved it!
The part when the magician lit a sparkler and when it went out everything was dark. That was one of my favourite parts of the show.
Another part that made the whole crowd laugh was when he went into the toilet and smoke came out.
It was really well done by the actors, they did an amazing job, one of the actors even made popcorn appear, the crowd was asking for some. THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH IT! By Naa (J3)
I liked the Twits it was really good I suggest you go and watch because it’s funny and exiting.
I really liked the part when Mr and Mrs Twit were pranking each other I liked it when Mr Twit told Mrs Twit that she had the shrinks and the only cure was to be stretched. Another prank was when she put worms in his spaghetti and said it was organic and gluten-free. Through the whole performance I was smiling and laughing while being disgusted by Mr Twits beard and Mrs Twits hair. By Emma (J3)
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Pedal Prix
Last week, Airbourne, part of the Westbourne Park Racing Team, competed in the 24-hour Pedal Prix Race at Murray Bridge, coming 3rd in the primary school category. We rode an amazing 660.06 km in total with an average speed of 27.5 km an hour! All of this wouldn’t had been possible without the help of our wonderful volunteers Fran and Brett, with catering by Pam, and of course all of the amazing supportive parents and sponsors; Exact Contracting, Hanns Green Grocery, Knox Constructions, Winkle Group, The Telford Family & DC Signs. We are all very grateful for the opportunity to participate in this incredible program. It’s a fantastic achievement and memory that will stay with us for our entire lives.
By Jackson and Patrick
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Table Tennis
On August 11th, 37 WPPS students competed in the Table Tennis SA Primary Schools Team Championships at Woodville. It was an awesome day with tough competition and some close results. The final medal placings for the boys even came down to a countback!
Special congratulations to these teams:
1st Place- Tait, Jonas, Patrick and Charlie
2nd Place- Jackson, Harry, Xavier and Will
1st Place- Olivia, Kezia, Vivian and Emily
3rd Place- Abi, Sophie, Milena, Dejana and Mithra
All players can be proud of their effort, sportsmanship and the way they represented our school. A huge thank you to all the parent volunteers for helping to make the day run smoothly.
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Market Day
This years first ever Market day was a huge success, the kids who came through all found something for themselves to enjoy and in the process didn't have to spend much money at all.
In total we raised $2364.30 which will be given back to the school to improve the space. It wouldn't have been achievable without the support from parents and the weeks of hard research done by the Year six team.
The process to get to market day has been long but definitely worthwhile, we researched about business plans, popular logo designs, what made logos popular and easily remembered, how to handle money and serve customers, what is profit, what makes advert posters successful and much more.
Once all the research was completed we then began drafting our ideas, in our groups we each made logos and discussed in our groups which one would be most successful and put our ideas together until we finally had a completed logo for our business. The same went for the posters except with them we had to go back and forth not only with our group but with the teachers as well, the teachers would tell us what could be changed and what could be added or taken away and by the end of the process we had completed, perfected, posters.
Once all the making of posters and logos and the products themselves had been completed we then started putting Market day into the school, the posters where hung up and when week 8 came we were ready to set up the market. Once it was all ready the classes came through and bought our wide range of products. The most important thing about this market day though, was that we all built strong connections within the school community and the whole school had lots of fun!