Newsletter Term 3 Week 5
Important Dates
23 August - Pupil Free Day for staff curriculum professional development
28 August – A day in history - school officially opened on 28/08/1914
30 August – WPPS Disco
5 September – Redevelopment Project Official Opening
26 September – Sports Day
27 September – Last day of term 3, 2:10 dismissal
Term 4 - 2024
14 October – First day of term 4
8 November – Remembrance Day Ceremony
11 November – School Closure Day (for significance of Remembrance Day to our history)
12 November – Pupil Free Day for yearly review, classes and 2025 planning
13 December – Last day of term 4, 2:10 dismissal
*Dates to be confirmed in November/December for School concert, EOY assemblies
and year 6 graduation.
Please see Public Safety - Australian Road Rules Children Schools & Traffic below. Take note of NO STOPPING ZONES and NO PARKING ZONES, signs clearly on display. Any breaches of the Australian Road Rules observed by compliance officers may result in the issue of an expiation notice at and around schools.
Please also note, the Staff Carpark is for staff only.
Thank you from Cumberland Park Community Centre
Last term, our school had a casual clothes day, but instead of donating money we donated balls of wool. The school gave the wool to the Cumberland Park Community Centre and volunteers turned the wool into blankets and scarves for people in need. In assembly on the 14th of August, they came to the school to show the beautiful creations they had made.
By April and Zac LC1
Local Federal Minister of Boothby visit
Ms Louise Miller Frost came to LC1 to give us three flags to be flown on our new flag poles: the Australian flag, the Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander flag. The Australian flag has to be on the first flag pole to the left and it doesn’t really matter of the order of the other two flags. Ms Louise Miller Frost showed us the three flags and asked if we all knew about them and she was impressed about our knowledge on the three flags especially the Torres Strait Islander flag, she also asked if we had any questions and most of the questions asked were about the different roles involved in her job.
Harvey LC1
Book Week
We celebrated "Reading is Magic" this week. On Monday Nadia Clancy MP, Member for Elder, read Bowerbird Blues to M3, Tuesday, Perform Education entertained the school with a play, entitled Maybe a Miracle, and Wednesday we had the fantastic book parade where we all showed off our incredible costumes. Well done to everyone involved!
Performing Arts at WPPS ♫
Redevelopment Project Official Opening
Canteen News
The canteen has been a hive of activity in recent weeks with special green & gold treats to celebrate the Olympics and Balfours donuts for recent the Adelaide Crows and Port Adelaide Power Showdown.
Thank you to all the families who have supported these canteen specials. Funds raised have enable me to upgrade some of our minor electrical equipment, with recent purchases including a large electric frypan, all in one slow cooker/pressure cooker and a 4 slice waffle maker.
Canteen recess specials will continue for the remainder of Term 3 - Waffle Wednesday ($2.50 each) and Pita Pizza Friday (50 cents per slice).
Is there something you would like to see available on our canteen menu? I am currently planning the Term 4 summer menu and always on the lookout for new food options to provide variety for the children, so would greatly welcome feedback or suggestions.
The canteen is extremely fortunate to be supported by an amazing group of parent/grandparent volunteers but there is always room for more. If you are able to spare a few hours once or more per month, and meet the school volunteering requirements, please email
Canteen Manager
Fresh Bites Cafe
"No hat, play in the shade"
From Monday the 19th we will be enforcing our "no hat, play in the shade" rule at school, please ensure your child has an appropriate bucket, broad brim or legionnaires hat every day. There is a designated shade area in each play space for students to go when they do not have a hat.
It has been wonderful having many families from our school community and the wider local community join us for playgroup this year. Each week we have a range of play based activities for children to enjoy. We have also had some special events throughout the year including a teddy bears' picnic, Easter hunt, box construction and library visits. It has been fantastic having some year 5/6 students there each week to help out and interact with the children.
Playgroup is held every Tuesday during term time from 9am-10:15am in the school hall. If you have a preschool aged child, we would love for you to join us.
Learning Expo
WPPS Disco
Community News