Newsletter 3
Save the Date
Pupil Free Day
Term 2: Week 7 - Friday, 11th June
Term 3: Week 5 - Friday, 20th August
Term 4: Week 6 - Monday, 15th November
School Closure Day
Term 4: Week 5 - Friday, 12th November
Materials & Services Fees
M&S Fees
- Full Payment of $410.00 by Thursday, 25th March 2021.
- Payment of $210.00 by Thursday, 25th March 2021 & remaining $200.00 by Thursday, 27th May 2021.
Monthly Direct Debit by Instalment (Arrangements can be made directly with Finance by Thursday, 25th March 2021).
If you plan to apply for School Card, please do not pay the Materials & Services Fee until you have been advised whether you have been approved or not.
Excursion Levy 2021 for Excursions & Incursions
- Full Payment of $60.00 is now due.
- 1st payment of $30.00 is now due 2nd Payment of $30.00 is due by Thursday, 27th
May, 2021
Swimming (Rec-2)
Payment of $35.00 is due by Monday, 29th March, 2021
Please note: If you are unsure if you have made a payment, you can check your receipts through Qkr! or contact the school on 8271 7430.
Tricia Ritchie - Business Manager
Glenhaven Camp M4, M6 & M7
What an amazing camp. You all should be proud of the outstanding behaviour of these students. The Glenhaven camp coordinator and cook complimented Westbourne Park students on their beautiful manners and enthusiasm to engage in activities.
The camp focused on the curriculum areas of Physical Education and Health. The students enjoyed outdoor activities on resilience, persistence, problem solving and group work. This included team bonding, problem solving, further embedding School Fresh Values and activities designed to stimulate and challenge students and provided an opportunity for students to interact with teachers and peers in a setting vastly different from the classroom. For example, watching your teachers screaming in the giant swing.
A big thankyou goes out to these very brave and generous parents for their time volunteering to come to camp, Richard Abbott, Bec Palmer, Andrew Forgan, Rachel Hodgson, Diarmid Lee, Mark Beaton and Ben Weyland.
I have seen M4, M6 and M7 students step outside their comfort zone, build up their resilience and work together as a team.
Josie Brown
Glenhaven camp would make many people approve of the way they made their camp fun, exciting, and energetic. All the activities were safe, but fun, and I didn’t hear anyone complain about them at all. The food was delicious, the cabins were comfortable and there was lots of space outside to play in our spare time. The activities included:
- Archery,
- Initiatives,
- Low ropes,
- High ropes,
- Raft Building,
- Newspaper Challenge
- Tower challenge
- The Giant Swing!
Camp Glenhaven was the best camp ever!! Isla
Some of the best activities were the giant swing which involved teamwork and encouraging others, High ropes which involved confidence and skill, and raft building which involved teamwork and strategies and last but not least archery which involved skill and focus. All in all it was a great camp. Murray
Camp gave me lots of experience and I also enjoyed the activities. One of the activities I liked was the high ropes. When you are doing high ropes, you wear a harness and you have to climb a ladder. Then climb a wooden pole and do the obstacle. After that you jump off and you can get back down. There was also archery. We had to shoot the arrow on the dart board. On the giant swing people would pull you up to the top and then you pull the pink rope so you can do the swing. Dia
I really enjoyed the giant swing because it was a little bit scary but also very fun. The food was really good and we never got hungry. I also liked the high ropes because it was fun to climb up and jump down. When we did the initiatives, we learnt that we had to work as a team to escape from the Indians and to help everyone get across all of the obstacles. We also had to work as a team to make a raft and paddle that over to the other side of the pool. I really liked Glenhaven Park and I would recommend it to anyone! Emma
Camp was a something that gave me so many many new experiences. Some of the activities that I especially loved were archery, the giant swing and raft building. We were not by far underfed we were fed 6 times a day and these meals were amazing too! Some of the activities were so high up 10 or 12 meters high! And the pool dropped to 2.6 meters! Overall Glenhaven was a amazing experience! Xavier
Glenhaven Park Camp Photos
Easter Performance
An Easter performance will be presented by representatives from local churches on Wednesday, 31st of March.
The presentation will involve a range of activities and interaction between students and the presenters. The duration of the seminar will be approximately 30 minutes.
This performance is not designed to promote religion or indoctrinate students in any direction, but rather, the purpose is to educate students about the Easter story and its significance in the Christian faith.
Students who have been opted out of attending the presentation (via the student consent and acknowledgements form filled out by all caregivers at the beginning of the year) will undertake other work under the supervision of a staff member.
Bethany - Pastoral Care Worker
Harmony Day and National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
On Friday the 19th of March we recognised both Harmony Day and National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Harmony Day is about celebrating cultural diversity and focuses on inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence encourages anti-bullying initiatives and empowers students to be part of the solution when it comes to addressing bullying.
On the day students wore orange and received a ‘Bullying. No Way!’ wristband. There was also a wonderful selection of orange goodies for sale in the canteen. Thank you to those people who donated items to sell in the canteen for this special occasion.
At the whole school assembly students spoke about what bullying is and what you can do if you experience bullying or see someone else being bullied. M9 then presented their work relating to how we can help make our school a safe place for everyone by showing friendship and choosing kindness. Following this, a banner was shown which displayed flags from many of the cultures represented in our school community. Some students and staff then shared something interesting about their cultural background. It was wonderful to learn first-hand about the cultures and traditions of others. We concluded the assembly by singing a song students have been learning with Anj called ‘Sisi ni moja’ which means ‘We are one’ in Swahili.
Students also undertook other activities relating to Harmony Day and National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence in their classes on the day.
We look forward to continuing to raise awareness of these issues and working together to help ensure our school is a safe and caring place for everyone.
Bethany - Pastoral Care Worker
Wow, can you believe we're so close to the end of Term 1 already? Time flies when you're having fun!
To start with, a huge thank you to everyone who joined us for the Mix & Mingle last Friday evening - it was a fantastic night, catching up with old friends and making some new ones as well! We've always known that the WPPS is a welcoming and social school community, and our first event really showed this. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and a big pat on the back for raising over $1,500 for our students and school!
We have been busy preparing for Friday Fun which is only 2 weeks away! You may have seen the Lucky Dip Jars request on SkoolBag or received a note home in your child's bag - a big thank you to those who have already donated jars to the front office. Friday Fun just wouldn't be the same without them, so please, keep them coming!! And of course, remind your kids to save up that pocket money to enjoy all the fun on the day - cupcakes, drinks, a Bouncy Castle, kids' AND adults' Market Stalls (yay!), face painting, second hand uniform stall, a coffee van, WPPS Holey Moley mini golf and more ... Remember, it's on the last day of Term, Friday 9th April at 2:10pm.
Important: Classrooms will be locked, and teachers will not be responsible for the supervision of students during Friday Fun. All children must be under the care of a parent/carer.
As mentioned, there will be a Friday Night Disco for the kids in Term 2, plus a Wine Drive for the parents – more details will be out early next term.
We hope everyone has a nice Easter long weekend next week. Stay safe, enjoy the chocolates and we'll see you after the break for the final week of term!
Dates to Remember …
Friday 9th April – 2:10pm – Friday FUN!
Monday 3rd May – 7:00pm – Next Meeting (held in the WPPS Staff Room)
Please feel free to contact the WPPS Fundraising Committee at
And don’t forget to join the WPPS Community Facebook page to stay up to date with school events!
Entertainment Books is now Entertainment!.
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You can purchase single or multicity memberships. Single city 1 year memberships are $69.99.
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Disability Support Activities