Newsletter Term 1 Week 5
Welcome Staff
Please welcome, from left to right, Kim Black, Assistant Principal (Early Years and R-6 Curriculum focus), Emma Polkinghorne, Year 1/2 M3 and Bonnie Fry, Reception/Yr 1 M10.
Important Dates
Term 1 - 2024
11 March – Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
12 March – Pupil Free Day for Parent Teacher Interviews during day and early evening
25-27 March – Year 5/6 Camp to Mylor
29 March – Good Friday Public holiday
1 April – Easter Monday Public Holiday
12 April – Last day of term 1, 2:10pm dismissal
Term 2 - 2024
29 April – First day of term 2
13-15 May – Year 4 Camp to Woodhouse
7 June – Pupil Free Day for staff curriculum professional development
10 June – King’s Birthday Public Holiday
5 July - Last day of term 2, 2:10pm dismissal
6 July – A day in history - 110 year anniversary of the first day for students at WPPS 06/07/1914
Term 3 - 2024
22 July – First day of term 3
23 August - Pupil Free Day for staff curriculum professional development
28 August – A day in history - school officially opened on 28/08/1914
26 September – Sports Day* (confirmation of this date will be made early in 2024)
27 September – Last day of term 3, 2:10 dismissal
Term 4 - 2024
14 October – First day of term 4
8 November – Remembrance Day Ceremony
11 November – School Closure Day (for significance of Remembrance Day to our history)
12 November – Pupil Free Day for yearly review, classes and 2025 planning
13 December – Last day of term 4, 2:10 dismissal
*Dates to be confirmed in November/December for School concert, EOY assemblies
and year 6 graduation.
Governing Council
The Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 13th February and a new Governing Council was elected. We would like to welcome all new Governing Council members who have been elected for a period of two years and thank those, who have retired, for their time and commitment, and supporting our school in their role.
WPPS Governing Council Members 2024
Mark Anders – Chairperson
Theo Sasopoulos – Treasurer
Alex Naylor – Secretary (newly elected)
James Telford
Philippa Marsh
Rebekah Hudson
Noralyn Manucat-Tan
Amanda McConnell
Jessica Walkley (newly elected)
Chris Gobbett (newly elected)
Stephen Muir (newly elected)
Marnie Hope
Staff Representatives – Sean and Tilly
Please visit the School Website to view the Governing Council members’ profiles at
Attendance Procedure
All students who arrive after the 8:50am bell must report to the front office student services desk (via yard B entrance), sign in and collect a late card to give to their teacher. It is expected that students who arrive late have a reason from a parent or are accompanied by their parent or caregiver who can provide an explanation. Alternatively a parent may contact the school via phone call, email or Schoolzine app.
Music plays in the yard from 8:48am to give students 2 minutes of preparation time to be at class ready to start at the 8:50am bell. The same process occurs at the end of recess and lunch where music plays for 2 minutes before the end of play/start of lesson bell.
Parents/carers will receive a message before recess time for any student who is absent without explanation.
All students who leave before the end of school bell at 3:10pm must be signed out from the front office before being collected from the classroom. An early departure slip will be given to the parent/carer to give to the class teacher. Students will only be permitted to leave early if communication has been received from the parent and the student is accompanied with the parent or agreed caregiver.
In special circumstances, students may be allowed to leave early unaccompanied provided that the legal parent has provided the school with written and signed consent with the knowledge that once the student leaves the school premises the duty of care is passed back to the parent. The principal has the discretion to deny a student leaving unaccompanied if they feel it is not age appropriate, the consent is not trustworthy or it is unsafe to do so.
Any alternative arrangements for events or circumstances that fall outside this procedure will be communicated with parents and carers. This may include but not limited to sporting events, camps and excursions.
Please be aware that students are to arrive between 8:30am and 8:50am unless accompanied by an adult, attending OSHC or an organised before school activity.
Wakakirri Story Dance Competition
Hi families,
It’s Waki time again! We are once again competing in the Wakakirri Story Dance competition. The theme for this year is ‘Belonging’ and we have chosen to retell the Disney version of the story of Tarzan.
This year 42 students in years 5 and 6 have chosen to be part of our Wakakirri team. For those who don’t know, the Wakakirri Story-Dance is a 3-7 minute story (orientation, complication, resolution) performed on stage to pre-recorded music, using a blend of creative movement and acting.
Our Wakakirri team will plan, choreograph and rehearse our Story Dance and then perform it at the Norwood Concert Hall in week 3 or 4 of Term 3.
Today many of the students auditioned for our lead roles. Hannah and I were impressed by the number of kids that tried out, and the effort they put into their auditions. Whilst there are only 9 leads, every member of the Wakakirri team is important. Our story doesn’t work without understudies, ensemble members, backstage crew, parent helpers and teaching staff.
We are looking forward to another fantastic year of Westbourne Wakakirri – Our students are headed for the stage!
Anj and Hannah
Wakakirri co-ordinators
Abi (Tarzan), Seb (Terk)
Willa (Tantor), Ethan (Professor Porter), Zara (Kala), Sarah (Jane), Nell (Kerchak),
Abbie (Young Tarzan), Krishil (Clayton)
Canteen News
Our school canteen, Fresh Bites Cafe, is open Monday to Friday for both recess and lunch orders and forms an important part of our school enabling parents to purchase healthy freshly made lunches, or the occasional special treat.
All orders are to be placed via the Qkr! app and need to be submitted by 9am on the day for which you wish to order.
- Recess orders are to be collected from the canteen, if this does not occur the ordered item will be sent to your child's class in the daily lunch tub.
- Lunch orders are grouped by class, placed into the class lunch tub and collected by the class lunch monitors.
For those new to Qkr! I have included a how to setup Qkr! guide along with instructions on how to cancel or modify an order. Orders can only be cancelled or modified prior to 9am on the day of order, any changes after this time need to be phoned through to the school as soon as possible after 9am.
Please note: it is important that the Profile you create for your child/children contains the correct 'Year' level and 'Hg' (Home Group Class Id). This information is critical to ensure any ordered food/drink items are correctly dispatched to your child's class. You can maintain this information at any time in the 'Profiles' tab in Qkr!
The canteen is also open daily at recess and lunch for over the counter cash sales of homemade biscuits, frozen fruit, freshly popped popcorn, ice-blocks and fruit based slushies. Occasionally the canteen may also have recess over the counter specials available - pita pizza slices, mini pancakes, muffins, milk shakes etc.
Included with this newsletter is a copy of our current Term 1 Canteen Menu, Qkr! will display the daily availability of items listed on the menu.
Our menu changes to reflect the seasons and incorporates a variety of hot and cold food items that meet the Right Bite Food and Drink Supply Standards for South Australian schools.
Later this term we will hold our first Special Food Day to celebrate Harmony Day - details will be provided closer to the date.
Volunteers play an extremely important role in our school canteen ensuring that we can continue to provide a variety of freshly prepared on-site food items for the children and staff. If you are interested in volunteering for a few hours, once or more per term, please see the School Website or front office for a School Volunteer Pack. It is also a requirement that canteen volunteers, as food handlers, have food safety skills and knowledge in food safety and hygiene - this involves completion of a food safety training course such as Home - DoFoodSafely (
If you have any feedback on menu items, volunteering or would like to know more about our school canteen please feel free to email me at or drop by the canteen.
Pam, Canteen Manager
Fresh Bites Cafe
Mix and Mingle 2024
Tickets for the 2024 Mix & Mingle fundraising event have officially launched on Qkr!
Mix & Mingle is a fun and relaxed kid-free evening with drinks available for purchase via the bar to support the school and nibbles provided.
Grab your tickets now for $15 each (includes your first drink) via Qkr! or at the bar on the night. Each ticket purchased via Qkr! puts you in the draw for this year’s mystery door prize!
This is a night not to be missed, we look forward to seeing you there!
WPPS Fundraising Committee
Parking Control Around Schools
Please see below brochure from the City of Mitcham Council to inform drivers about public safety and provide for student safety around roadways during schools drop off and pick up times.
Auskick 2024
Community News